4. Displaying Heap Log

In this section we see to how to display the heap log information step by step.

4.1. Configuration

  1. Open ../target_apps/ble_examples/ble_app_peripheral/Keil_5/ble_app_peripheral.uvprojx. Here we use DA14535 in order to demonstrate this feature.

  2. From sdk_arch folder find system_library_535.c then from this file find the system_library.h

  3. In system_library.h find CFG_USE_HEAP_LOG and change it as follow:

    - #undef  CFG_USE_HEAP_LOG
    + #define CFG_USE_HEAP_LOG
  4. Build the project for desired target (Here is DA14535) then start the Debug session.

  5. Type in disp_heaplog() command and press enter in the Command window found near the bottom of screen.

  1. As you can see the heap log information is displayed in Command window.