High temperature and RCX

reference: LPCBARESDK-692

Status: Fixed

First reported:

Fixed in:


This issue applies to applications configured in high temperature mode CFG_HIGH_TEMPERATURE. Some combinations of crystal 32kHz and DA14585/DA14586 might fail to wake up within the expected time. This result in the next Bluetooth low energy event not being processed, therefore degraded Bluetooth performances.

This behavior is typically captured during debug mode when an assert in the lld_sleep_compensate_func function of the rwble.c is raised. In normal mode the lost event will be re-transmitted.

Note Same issue is seen also on the LPCBARESDK-882, the only difference is that on the LPCBARESDK-882 the fail is NOT systematically when temperature when temperature cycles from -40ºC to +85ºC.

slp_period_retained = slp_period;
// if this Assertion hits then the LP ISR lasts longer than the time
// that has been reserved via LP_ISR_TIME_XTAL32_CYCLES and LP_ISR_TIME_USEC.
if (sleep_lp_cycles && (sleep_lp_cycles < slp_period))


We recommend to be careful in selecting crystal parts and strictly abide by Renesas recommended crystal specification. We also recommend to be mindful of the potential issue during the design validation of the product.

When this issue appears, remediation will require specific crystal characterization and appropriate oscillator tuning. This is a complex procedure run by Renesas in house. Therefore, we would encourage you to contact your Renesas representative in order to obtain appropriate support.