2. Clone FreeRTOS retarget Project

The first step is to create a new project. As the goal of this demonstration example is to process the wake-up timer interrupt and trigger a task handled by the RTOS, the base project will be the freertos_retarget. This sample application starts the RTOS scheduler, performs the system initialization, and launches a task which will send a character (#) on the UART every second.

  1. Start SmartSnippets™ Studio.

  2. Import and then make a copy of the freertos_retarget sample code found in the SDK of the DA1469x family of devices. Check our getting started tutorial if you’re not familiar with the procedure.


It is essential to import the folder named python_scripts to perform various operations (including building, debugging, and downloading)

  1. Build the project either in Debug_QSPI or Release_QSPI mode to make sure the project is set up correctly.


Figure 1 Compile Project