8. Summary

In this tutorial, the following subjects were covered …

  • Initially the organization model of a booting QSPI Flash was examined and the necessary partitions to host a commercial Firmware were highlighted. A minimum size for a QSPI Flash was suggested and several constraints explained.

  • Additionally, the fields of a QSPI Memory device configuration object were analyzed one by one and their utility explored for the different types of QSPI Memory devices.

  • Next, a short execution flow was presented along with the required modifications in order to make a new QSPI Memory device visible to products of DA1469x family.

  • Furthermore, the process of burning the target firmware into a custom QSPI Flash was explained step by step and as well as the process of making the Flash accessible to the SmartSnippetsToolbox.

  • To provide a more hands on approach, the Adesto AT25SL321 QSPI Flash was used as an example for the development of a custom driver as well as its intergration into the DA1469x device, neatly packed in one section for the reader’s convenience.

  • Concluding, in Appendix A - Debugging FAQ one can find some tips on where to start when something does not go as expected.